Struggling to get placed after graduating in Mechanical/Civil? Do you know the demand for testing?
Introduction: Mechanical engineering has been considered to be one of the oldest branches of engineering. Mechanical engineers are creators of machines, motors, vehicles, aircraft, and many more. If you are interested in Math and Physics, the mechanical engineering is something that could interest you. Mechanical engineering revolves around the principles of motor, energy, and force. Mechanical engineers are people who bring a difference in a person’s life, in society by introducing new machinery that is beneficial for numerous jobs/tasks. Civil engineering is also arguably considered to be the oldest branch of engineering; it deals with the environment that encompasses civilization. Civil engineering are creators of buildings and infrastructures for the benefit of society. They build roads, railways, subway systems, airports, and many more. Both civil engineers and mechanical engineers work are for the benefit of society however, they are both dependants on each other. For...